Monday 16 May 2011

I'm a creative

Considering myself as a creative never stopped me from trying to create, not only in the digital world, whatever could come in my mind.
2 years ago I designed a lamp completely made of wood, except from the bulb for sure, as a birthday gift. The idea came in my mind one night when I couldn't fall asleep.
Often happens that I could not sleep because my brain decide to work out on the strangest things.
That night I dreamed of that lamp and the morning after I went buying some wood to cut and sharpen as I imagined the night before. After a week of really hard work the idea came to life and it was awful.
It was good considering that it was my first hand-made job ever starting, not even, from scratch. It was crap because it was too fragile to firmly stand without even broke up.
After that I stopped thinking on real works and started thinking more on digital works.
Some of mine digital works requested me too much time that I couldn't even bear, so it wasn't possible to complete them.
After a year, my mind came out again with a wood-made lamp. That time I thought more between the pure idea and the real works. I designed it, I talked with somebody with more engineering skills that me (my father) and then, after only 4 hours of works, my lamp was completed. It could stand still and it's not as fragile as the first one!
Right now, my creation is in my girlfriend's bedroom and I really love to see that it's still there.
In the meanwhile I had a lot of ideas, some of them inspired from the world surrounding me. One day, for sure, I will try to make a sun-powered helicopter just to really understand how hard it could be to create something that could win the gravity force but mostly just because I want to understand how an engine could be made.
Before the helicopter experiment, what I really love to do is filming some sort of movie. Well, not an entire 90 minutes one, something very short. Probably something based upon good stories I read in Stephen King's novels book.
I don't want to be the next Spielberg or Tarantino (it's not my work, at all or probably bot yet) but I just want to try the feelings and the sensation of creating something that could create the same emotion in somebody else.
I'm not just a creative, I'm quite curious. Curious about everything!

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